OK...so the next swap is APPETIZER recipes. It is on April 9th at 8:00 but I don't know where. Whoever comments first gets to pick the place. I won't be there but I will send my recipes with someone. Please comment and let us know if you are coming or not so we know how many to make.
Pass the word onto those who don't really read this blog k?
Also Julie has been glittered, so ask away!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Spring Salad

I use any pasta I have on hand, olives, cucumbers, cheese, tomatoes, and sometime pepperoni. (This one was made for my son's b-day, so it only has olives and tomatoes). Add zesty italian dressing, and voila...it's done. I love this time of the year,,,,salads, bbq's, flowers, yada yada yada! What's your favorite thing right now?
Friday, March 20, 2009
Hey guys -- I told Alauna that I'd post a site on here -- it's a blog where she posts free digi scrap stuff every day. I don't download all of it, but she has some good finds that I love. Here's her blog:
Scrapping with Ikea Godess - I just have her on my daily feed reader so whenever she updates, I get the updates on my feed so I never miss a day.
I was browsing around for some brads for my recipe cards next month and stumbled upon this lovely too -- They have a brad for EVERYTHING --- I am SOOO ordering from them.
Eyelet Outlet
I am also curious to know what programs you use for digi scrapping. I have Memory Mixer (but I mostly use Photoshop)- and I know Tanya and Kami use it....what else do you use? I would recommend Memory Mixer for starters -- way easy to use and it comes with a bunch of digi stuff already loaded on it. You can buy other products from their store and you are also able to use 'outside' products (like the stuff you would download from Ikea Godess). They will soon be doing a free 30 day trial for you to see if you like it. I'll let you know when that becomes available. If you use something different let me know.
Alauna - what would you use to digi scrap? If it's a program that I know, I'd be happy to do some tutorials here for everyone...just let me know.
Have a great weekend --Ron and I are off to celebrate our 7th anniversary! YAY! -NO KIDS!
Scrapping with Ikea Godess - I just have her on my daily feed reader so whenever she updates, I get the updates on my feed so I never miss a day.
I was browsing around for some brads for my recipe cards next month and stumbled upon this lovely too -- They have a brad for EVERYTHING --- I am SOOO ordering from them.
Eyelet Outlet
I am also curious to know what programs you use for digi scrapping. I have Memory Mixer (but I mostly use Photoshop)- and I know Tanya and Kami use it....what else do you use? I would recommend Memory Mixer for starters -- way easy to use and it comes with a bunch of digi stuff already loaded on it. You can buy other products from their store and you are also able to use 'outside' products (like the stuff you would download from Ikea Godess). They will soon be doing a free 30 day trial for you to see if you like it. I'll let you know when that becomes available. If you use something different let me know.
Alauna - what would you use to digi scrap? If it's a program that I know, I'd be happy to do some tutorials here for everyone...just let me know.
Have a great weekend --Ron and I are off to celebrate our 7th anniversary! YAY! -NO KIDS!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
check out celeste!!!
i just checked out celeste's website.....it's AWESOME!!!
(i wish i knew how to like add a picture and so you could click it and it would go to her site, or how to link her site to her name above...but i don't and i don't have time to figure it out right now.)
(i wish i knew how to like add a picture and so you could click it and it would go to her site, or how to link her site to her name above...but i don't and i don't have time to figure it out right now.)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Glittered: Celeste
What has been you most embarrassing moment?
What isn't my most embarrassing moment? I seem to have a lot of them. I used to work as the office manager for TNT Fireworks. Our regional offices were in Tacoma, WA. My boss and I had to travel there for some training on some new software the company was using. (I hadn't worked there very long at this point). We got the airport, and were going through security and I kept setting off the sensor. My boss was standing there waiting for me while I was being frisked by all the security personnel. I was standing there with my arms out and legs spread and they were feeling me up all over -- come to find out, it was the under wire on my bra...I was pretty mortified. You could totally tell that he was uncomfortable too.
What is your favorite game to play as a family?
The kids are still little enough that we get stuck playing candy land a lot, but they are starting to like yahtzee and rummikub
with friends?
we LOVE game nights. Apples to apples, Oodles of Doodles, Would You Rather, Balderdash, Ticket to Ride, Mad Gab, -- anything...we are big game players.
If you have to choose a movie title for your life story, what would that be?
I LOVE the movie Hope Floats and I relate a lot of my life there. I like to think that through everything, I still have a glimmer of hope out there.
What really gives you the creeps?
I am totally freaked out by spiders. There was one on our kitchen counter a few years ago, and I called Ron in hysterics, and crying telling him to come home and kill it. I am also really creeped out by scary stories that are real. Like peeping toms...stuff like that. once, when I was in 9th grade, I was at the high school running around the track (something I liked to do a few times a week). It was a Saturday and there was just me and one other woman. I looked over in the corner and saw some nasty guy with a ski mask jerkin' off in the corner - eww. The woman left and so I did too. I told my dad and he wigged out - we never found him. No wonder I don't run anymore and got fat...sheesh! LOL - now that was creepy!
What is your biggest accomplishment?
This one is kinda hard. I would say my kids, but you never really finish with them so you don't really accomplish them, do you? LOL -- I don't think I really have one -- sorry to disappoint you.
What project are you working on right now? (pic would be great!)
I always have about a million projects going on. On the photography side, I've been finishing my website. www.celestegrover.com. I am also in the process of starting a non-profit organization that offers free photography to people/kids with cancer. In my home, I've been sewing a quilt, decorating, organizing...
I have also been busy doing wedding announcements and graduation announcements.
What is your biggest dream for your future?
I would love to get the non-profit up and running. I've also always wanted to be a teacher, so I'd love to finish school and work as a teacher.
I want to know where you met your husband.
Ron and I met via the world wide web. It's a long story - but once upon a time I was looking for a friend from high school. Someone told me that she was on match.com so I created a profile so I could find her. I never did find her. A few months went by and I had completely forgotten about that profile. I started getting these weird emails from guys that wanted to get to know me and then I remembered - A couple of years later, Ron emailed me and wanted to get to know me. At the time, he did side work as the DJ for the Grizzlies hockey team so he told me to bring a friend and come to the game and we would meet. So I took Jill to the game and we met. I thought he was cute, but I wasn't totally taken over. He was really shy and I was kinda bugged with that. After the game, we went to Applebee's and he and Jill were talking a lot and I thought he was totally into her. But then Jill had to go - so she just left me and him and so I wanted to go home too since I thought he liked her. I told her that if he wanted, I would give him her phone number. He was like "oooh, um, no - that's okay." I thought - 'whatever.' He called me the next day - I was moving to a new place and offered his truck and muscles to help me. I agreed and the rest is history. We didn't spend even one day apart till about a year into our marriage when I had to travel for work.
What's your favorite color?
I love purple and green - but not necessarily together...
How about your favorite dessert?
wow -- this would be a lot easier to answer if it were in a category;
cake: chocolate rum
candy: skittles/m&m's
candy bar: Reese's
pie: key lime, pumpkin, lemon meringue
kids: dirt cups
cookies: chocolate chip, Girl Scout (any kind)
general: strawberry shortcake, apple cobbler
you can't tell that I love dessert (aka: SUGAR), right?
If you had to move out of state where would you want to live?
Wow -- this is tricky. I went to elementary in AZ, so I would love to go back there. I would also love San Diego - close to the beach and perfect temp year round.
Something that drives you crazy?
repetitive noises - like a ticking clock, or tapping sound, especially while I'm trying to sleep. That's enough to drive me to the funny farm! I moved out of an apartment once because the pipes sounded like they were ticking and I couldn't take it!
What got you started in photography?
I got my first camera when I was like 7 or 8. It was the ONLY thing I wanted for Christmas and I was so happy to get it. I used that sucker forever! In high school, I took a photography class and LOVED it. Then I kinda dropped the idea for a while. After the kids were born, I became obsessed again with capturing every little thing they did. I prefer both 'lifestyle' pictures, and I also love a good posed family shot.
Where did you go to high school?
I went to Bingham High School in South Jordan. Loved the Miners. My high school sweetheart/crush played football so I was always stalking him at the Friday night games. he he he
Have you ever lived outside of the state of Utah? If so, where?
I have lived in Arizona and Colorado as a kid. I LOVED AZ - wouldn't mind moving back....
What is your favorite childhood memory?
- WOW -- I tried to block as much of that out as possible...ha ha ha ha! I think it depends on the day for me on what is my favorite memory....like if I'm in a sentimental mood I think about my Grandpa and all the tickle fests we had before he died. Or if I'm in a fun mood, I think about all the slip'n'slide days on the lawn in AZ. I think my fondest memories are just summer playing in the neighborhood - riding bikes - that sort of thing.
What is the craziest thing you've done? (try to beat Brie on that one, I dare you!!)
- I don't think there's beating Brie on that....LOL! I have done LOTS of crazy things - I was the queen of spontaneity in high school. Most of my 'crazy' days consist of draggin' State Street...
What is your favorite way you like to relax?
I love a QUIET house! I love when Ron takes the kids out to give me a break and I can just do what I want. I read, catch up on stuff, nap, whatever. I just love it when it's quiet. I also really enjoy going with friends to get a pedicure. My friends really relax me and I love forgetting about everything and just having fun. Who wants to go get a pedi?? ;)
What is your favorite season and why?
I LOVE fall! The weather is perfect, the colors are gorgeous, school starts, Halloween is my favorite holiday - followed by Thanksgiving. I wish I could have a year-round fall residence.
1. I HAVE to have the toilet paper hanging over the top - I can't stand it being pulled from the bottom.
2. I can't sleep without reading something in bed (book, magazine), Otherwise I just lay in bed for hours. It's a bad habit/addiction
3. I can't stand to wear 'just socks.' I always have to have either shoes on, or bare feet.
4. My all time favorite TV shows are: Lost, Law & Order, CSI, Desperate Housewives
5. I once lost my ring in the water at Lake Powell -- and FOUND IT! It was a miracle!
I am going to glitter - JULIE~
What isn't my most embarrassing moment? I seem to have a lot of them. I used to work as the office manager for TNT Fireworks. Our regional offices were in Tacoma, WA. My boss and I had to travel there for some training on some new software the company was using. (I hadn't worked there very long at this point). We got the airport, and were going through security and I kept setting off the sensor. My boss was standing there waiting for me while I was being frisked by all the security personnel. I was standing there with my arms out and legs spread and they were feeling me up all over -- come to find out, it was the under wire on my bra...I was pretty mortified. You could totally tell that he was uncomfortable too.
What is your favorite game to play as a family?
The kids are still little enough that we get stuck playing candy land a lot, but they are starting to like yahtzee and rummikub
with friends?
we LOVE game nights. Apples to apples, Oodles of Doodles, Would You Rather, Balderdash, Ticket to Ride, Mad Gab, -- anything...we are big game players.
If you have to choose a movie title for your life story, what would that be?
I LOVE the movie Hope Floats and I relate a lot of my life there. I like to think that through everything, I still have a glimmer of hope out there.
What really gives you the creeps?
I am totally freaked out by spiders. There was one on our kitchen counter a few years ago, and I called Ron in hysterics, and crying telling him to come home and kill it. I am also really creeped out by scary stories that are real. Like peeping toms...stuff like that. once, when I was in 9th grade, I was at the high school running around the track (something I liked to do a few times a week). It was a Saturday and there was just me and one other woman. I looked over in the corner and saw some nasty guy with a ski mask jerkin' off in the corner - eww. The woman left and so I did too. I told my dad and he wigged out - we never found him. No wonder I don't run anymore and got fat...sheesh! LOL - now that was creepy!
What is your biggest accomplishment?
This one is kinda hard. I would say my kids, but you never really finish with them so you don't really accomplish them, do you? LOL -- I don't think I really have one -- sorry to disappoint you.
What project are you working on right now? (pic would be great!)
I always have about a million projects going on. On the photography side, I've been finishing my website. www.celestegrover.com. I am also in the process of starting a non-profit organization that offers free photography to people/kids with cancer. In my home, I've been sewing a quilt, decorating, organizing...
I have also been busy doing wedding announcements and graduation announcements.
What is your biggest dream for your future?
I would love to get the non-profit up and running. I've also always wanted to be a teacher, so I'd love to finish school and work as a teacher.
I want to know where you met your husband.
Ron and I met via the world wide web. It's a long story - but once upon a time I was looking for a friend from high school. Someone told me that she was on match.com so I created a profile so I could find her. I never did find her. A few months went by and I had completely forgotten about that profile. I started getting these weird emails from guys that wanted to get to know me and then I remembered - A couple of years later, Ron emailed me and wanted to get to know me. At the time, he did side work as the DJ for the Grizzlies hockey team so he told me to bring a friend and come to the game and we would meet. So I took Jill to the game and we met. I thought he was cute, but I wasn't totally taken over. He was really shy and I was kinda bugged with that. After the game, we went to Applebee's and he and Jill were talking a lot and I thought he was totally into her. But then Jill had to go - so she just left me and him and so I wanted to go home too since I thought he liked her. I told her that if he wanted, I would give him her phone number. He was like "oooh, um, no - that's okay." I thought - 'whatever.' He called me the next day - I was moving to a new place and offered his truck and muscles to help me. I agreed and the rest is history. We didn't spend even one day apart till about a year into our marriage when I had to travel for work.
What's your favorite color?
I love purple and green - but not necessarily together...
How about your favorite dessert?
wow -- this would be a lot easier to answer if it were in a category;
cake: chocolate rum
candy: skittles/m&m's
candy bar: Reese's
pie: key lime, pumpkin, lemon meringue
kids: dirt cups
cookies: chocolate chip, Girl Scout (any kind)
general: strawberry shortcake, apple cobbler
you can't tell that I love dessert (aka: SUGAR), right?
If you had to move out of state where would you want to live?
Wow -- this is tricky. I went to elementary in AZ, so I would love to go back there. I would also love San Diego - close to the beach and perfect temp year round.
Something that drives you crazy?
repetitive noises - like a ticking clock, or tapping sound, especially while I'm trying to sleep. That's enough to drive me to the funny farm! I moved out of an apartment once because the pipes sounded like they were ticking and I couldn't take it!
What got you started in photography?
I got my first camera when I was like 7 or 8. It was the ONLY thing I wanted for Christmas and I was so happy to get it. I used that sucker forever! In high school, I took a photography class and LOVED it. Then I kinda dropped the idea for a while. After the kids were born, I became obsessed again with capturing every little thing they did. I prefer both 'lifestyle' pictures, and I also love a good posed family shot.
Where did you go to high school?
I went to Bingham High School in South Jordan. Loved the Miners. My high school sweetheart/crush played football so I was always stalking him at the Friday night games. he he he
Have you ever lived outside of the state of Utah? If so, where?
I have lived in Arizona and Colorado as a kid. I LOVED AZ - wouldn't mind moving back....
What is your favorite childhood memory?
- WOW -- I tried to block as much of that out as possible...ha ha ha ha! I think it depends on the day for me on what is my favorite memory....like if I'm in a sentimental mood I think about my Grandpa and all the tickle fests we had before he died. Or if I'm in a fun mood, I think about all the slip'n'slide days on the lawn in AZ. I think my fondest memories are just summer playing in the neighborhood - riding bikes - that sort of thing.
What is the craziest thing you've done? (try to beat Brie on that one, I dare you!!)
- I don't think there's beating Brie on that....LOL! I have done LOTS of crazy things - I was the queen of spontaneity in high school. Most of my 'crazy' days consist of draggin' State Street...
What is your favorite way you like to relax?
I love a QUIET house! I love when Ron takes the kids out to give me a break and I can just do what I want. I read, catch up on stuff, nap, whatever. I just love it when it's quiet. I also really enjoy going with friends to get a pedicure. My friends really relax me and I love forgetting about everything and just having fun. Who wants to go get a pedi?? ;)
What is your favorite season and why?
I LOVE fall! The weather is perfect, the colors are gorgeous, school starts, Halloween is my favorite holiday - followed by Thanksgiving. I wish I could have a year-round fall residence.
1. I HAVE to have the toilet paper hanging over the top - I can't stand it being pulled from the bottom.
2. I can't sleep without reading something in bed (book, magazine), Otherwise I just lay in bed for hours. It's a bad habit/addiction
3. I can't stand to wear 'just socks.' I always have to have either shoes on, or bare feet.
4. My all time favorite TV shows are: Lost, Law & Order, CSI, Desperate Housewives
5. I once lost my ring in the water at Lake Powell -- and FOUND IT! It was a miracle!
I am going to glitter - JULIE~
Friday, March 13, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
hey gals...i just wanted to let you know that there are 18 gals in our group now, and i only know of 1, sarah lee, that won't be there or sending cards....she decided to go to mexico..i know, how dare her! ;) and i don't think that kim or angie can come because it is their bunko night, so i am planning on 15 being there...i hope that is right. i can't wait to see y'all. and sorry about the no caps on here, i am too lazy to press the shift key.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Card Swap for March
OK>>>>>It looks like this month there are too many gals that can't make it on the 3rd Thursday, so let's keep it on the 2nd Thursday for March, and we will talk about it there...sound good?
So the details...
Card Swap this time
Thursday, March 12th
Sub Zero Ice Cream in American Fork
Please please please comment on here so we know how many are coming so we can plan on how many cards to make. Thanks!!!
So the details...
Card Swap this time
Thursday, March 12th
Sub Zero Ice Cream in American Fork
Please please please comment on here so we know how many are coming so we can plan on how many cards to make. Thanks!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Another change for our swap night...
OK...hopefully this is the last change we will have to make for a while...but could everyone move our swap nights to the 3rd Thursday of each month instead of the 2nd Thursday? Please comment!
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