Friday, November 20, 2009

It's amazing what a little "New Moon Drink" can turn you in to.
We found Cami in the Bar getting a "Bite" to eat before New Moon. Now you can have whiter fangs in just ten minutes for the low price of $4.00

Just not Chili's with out a warm chocolate cake!

New Moon

Monday, November 16, 2009

Card Swap this Thursday

Update...there are 16 gals doing tags/cards now instead of 15. And instead of Olive Garden...we are going to Chile's in American Fork..they are open until 11 and Olive Garden is open til 10. at Chile's in American Fork at 9 pm...we will swap tags/cards there, and then head to THE MOVIE!!! WHOOT! We are going to the Thanksgiving Point Theater. I have the tickets and the seats are all reserved...I AM SO EXCITED!

So I have made a decision...I know, SHOCKER!, but we will meet at Olive Garden by Target in American Fork at 9. I know that is kinda late, but since the movie starts at midnight...I think that will be about right. If anyone wants to do something different I'm open to whatever. Will you please post and let me know if you are coming and I will make a reservation for us this time. So excited to see you all, and I will miss everyone that isn't coming.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Moon NIght

Hey everyone! So, there are 14 in the group that are doing tags, and Angie is going to do them too, so plan on one card or 3 tags for 15 gals. I haven't heard of anyone not sending tags if they aren't coming. Now, do we want to go to dinner, dessert, or something before the movie? The movie is at Thanksgiving Point. Any ideas?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Am I right?

A lot of the gals are asking me how many tags/cards to make. This is who I have as the groups...will you all look it over and see if I am missing anyone?

For both recipe cards and regular cards...

For cards only...

For recipe cards only....
Sarah Jensen
Cheryl Southam
Lindsay Dunn

And....Sarah, Cheryl, and you want to do the tags this month so you have some cute Christmas tags?

Oh, and Jamie has our tickets. I will get them from her and just bring them to the theater that night unless you want to pick yours up from me before. Can't wait!