So here's the scoop.
Recipe Swap is on Thursday, February 12th, at 8pm. We will meet at SubZero Ice Cream in Orem. The theme is CROCK POT RECIPES. Can't wait to see you all there :)
I'll be there.
I'll be there or be square. hee hee(o.k. you know I'm a geek)
ok...I already typed this once!!! I am not getting the hang of this. What is wrong with me?!?!?!
I will at least send recipes if I can't be there ( I have to wait for my stinkin' schedule to come out). ALSO, I am sorry for dropping the ball on the question thingy... 1) I can't figure blogging out... 2) I am in the process of moving (down the street) and my world is turned upside down...should be righted in a week. Can someone please help me with posting answers and starting a new string and all that jazzz...? Thanks.
I'll be there unless my brain takes another vacation....by the way, I love the "Here's the scoop" and we're going for ice cream...very clever, Tanya!
ok brie...do you need help moving? i could come and help!
to make a new post you just go to new post at the top and then you can type your stuff and then click publish. if you need help, i can help you! i'm sorry that you are going crazy!!!
I'll be there.
I will 4 sure Be there! :-)
I would LOVE to come...my health is just so up and down lately that I don't know if I will make it but I am making pages so please include me! I'll send the pages with Alauna if I am down but plan on me...PLEASE!!!
count on me
I want to be there... This will be my first recipe swap so would someone be kind enough to post or email me some pics of examples so I know what im doing?? thanks!!
hey tiffany...are you OK? do you need anything...anything at all? please let me help if i can!!!
missie, i am going to take pics of some right now and i will post them if not tonight, tomorrow ok?
I will be there!
Sarah asked me to post and tell you she is in for the swap too.
Tanya...you are a sweetie! I wish there was something you could do. I hope it's just an MS thing and it will pass but who knows. This has gone on FOREVER!! I feel OK in the morning but by noon I am drooping a little and by night I am beat. I have a doctor's appointment next week and then a new MS doctor in March so...I guess what I'm saying is maybe you could just include me in your prayers. I need my sass back!
I'm so sorry your not feeling well. I will keep you in my prayers and pray specifically for your sass to come back!!!
That is a beautiful picture of you.
Thanks, Camie! Your sister was the inspiration for that one!
Tiffany, please let me know if I can do anything to help you...I am one mean cleaning machine when I need to be!
Ok sorry gals ur going to have to cont me out. I have to much packing to do sorry ladies.
I can spell.... lets try that again *count and *you're
Just wondering if we have a count of how many recipes to bring? the full 18 or a different count?
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