Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gal's Night Out (GNO)/Card Club (CC) as it looks on the polls....we will meet on the third Monday of every other month. Except for this month...look below....and there are 8 gals trading cards. If you missed the polls...just comment on this post and vote there.

So this month the third Monday is a day off of school for our we will meet the fourth Monday this month.

Also on the side bar of our contributers....I don't know who voted and is still in. I want to get this updated so if anyone knows of anyone that is on the sidebar that isn't doing it anymore will you let me know? Thanks!

Here's the scoop...
Monday: Jan. 24th
Mimi's Cafe in Orem at 8 o'clock.

Also...Missie is posting events for our GNO/CC's. If you are not her friend on facebook...shame on you! HAHA. JK! But request to be her friend so you can see the events on facebook too. Sound good everyone????

Can't wait to see you all!!!