Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Less than 2 Weeks until school starts......

Can you believe it? I can't. I have a 6th grader, and 3rd grader and my baby is starting kindergarten :( Anyway, I thought I would let you all know I decided to not do the recipe
exchange. I have a few too many things going on. (3 kids in soccer, with one also doing cheer, and one also doing gymnastics and having my husband as bishop-so he's no help :-) I am thinking I am going to simplify. So, I am fully planning on card group but, I am not going to add recipe group to it right now. So you will have to take pictures of that so that I can live vicariously through you.



Tanya said...

dang sarah! we will miss you! at least we will see you at card club ;)

Tiffany Fairbanks said...

We will miss you...but I totally understand! See you next month!