Friday, March 20, 2009


Hey guys -- I told Alauna that I'd post a site on here -- it's a blog where she posts free digi scrap stuff every day. I don't download all of it, but she has some good finds that I love. Here's her blog:

Scrapping with Ikea Godess - I just have her on my daily feed reader so whenever she updates, I get the updates on my feed so I never miss a day.

I was browsing around for some brads for my recipe cards next month and stumbled upon this lovely too -- They have a brad for EVERYTHING --- I am SOOO ordering from them.

Eyelet Outlet

I am also curious to know what programs you use for digi scrapping. I have Memory Mixer (but I mostly use Photoshop)- and I know Tanya and Kami use it....what else do you use? I would recommend Memory Mixer for starters -- way easy to use and it comes with a bunch of digi stuff already loaded on it. You can buy other products from their store and you are also able to use 'outside' products (like the stuff you would download from Ikea Godess). They will soon be doing a free 30 day trial for you to see if you like it. I'll let you know when that becomes available. If you use something different let me know.

Alauna - what would you use to digi scrap? If it's a program that I know, I'd be happy to do some tutorials here for everyone...just let me know.
Have a great weekend --Ron and I are off to celebrate our 7th anniversary! YAY! -NO KIDS!


Tanya said...

happy anniversary!!! this post is awesome!

Alauna said...

To tell you the truth, I haven't even started digital scrapbooking. I don't even know where to start.

Miller7 said...

I'm just starting to digital scrap and am using memory mixer and a poloroid program. (The are actually waiting to be downloaded, but I will start as soon as they are :) )