Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Questions For Brie

First, I would like to appologize for taking so long to get this done. Life was crazy and is a little less crazy now. I really had a fun time thinking about your questions. Thank you for that!

What do I like to do in my spare time? I love to "craft" make cards is #1, crochet, quilt and get little projects done...

Favorite Childhood memory... my childhood memories are not clear. I know that sounds odd and I guess it is, but it (my childhood) was very unstable... so I would have to say that going to my Grandparents was my favorite memory and still is... the smell of their house and my GM cooking and all the time they spent with me doing fun silly stupid things and looking through all of their old stuff and my mother's stuff. It was great!

A family tradition for us would be to wear a tiara on our birthday (just the girls.. not the husband... but I think we might have to get a pic of that, since they are tomorrow, his and my birthday... hummmm) and make Swedish Pancakes for Christmas morning breakfast...FAVORITE, plus the hubby makes those! hee hee

Let's see... 3 material things I can't live without... this one is the hard one for me! Filtered water (so spoiled!!!), a way to bathe and wash my hair (I know... dumb) and my inhaler because I could actually die from not having that...

OMG! Something I've done but wouldn't tell my kids... I would have to write a book!!! Pretty much 16 to 21 years of age are all full of fun and BAD choices... ugh... ok, pick one. My "I did crazy things with" friend and I were in her Jeep in Phoenix AZ and these guys pulled up behind us and asked if we wanted to go to Mexico and party with them on the beach for the weekend and....WE WENT! It was great fun and they had a beautiful beach house and we ate fresh fish and well... had a great time. THEN on our way back (several hours in her jeep wrangler with no top, I mean... convertible) She sneeks pot in over the border. That scared the bleep out of me! She was crazy and it was SO fun!

Super Power... don't I already have it? I am a MOM... I see all, I hear all and I know all! HA HA ... at least that is what my kids think! I would love to time travel... I have SO MANY questions about things... mostly in my own life, but also about other things.

I had a really good friend in Texas that would scrapbook and she got me started doing that. We would go to retreats and have a girls weekend and that was great fun... getting to know others. Then my neighbor had a stampin up party and that got us hooked on stamping and now I stamp and hardly scrapbook at all. It is terrible!

My favorite season is summer! I LOVE the sun, the smell of sunning lotion and summer fashion!

My last meal would be Surf and Turf! Filet medium rare to rare, lobster tail or crab legs and baked potato fully loaded twice and then a some cheese cake to top it off!

The book on my nightstand is Brsingr by Christopher P.... the 3rd book in the Eragon, Eldest series... trying to get through it, waiting for the action and all the pieces to come together.

Everytime I listen to "the guy who witnesses an accident" I laugh until I cry!

And lastly... 3 things that make me happy... my husband's dick... I mean my husband Rick (this makes me laugh until I cry), a clean house and my children... most of the time. Hope this didn't offend anyone.

Now, let's pick Celeste to be glittered!!


Tanya said...
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Tanya said...

What is your biggest accomplishment, what project are you working on right now (pic would be great!) and what is your biggest dream for your future?

I am glad you're back with us Brie! You are a funny gal! Thanks for getting me your pic and stuff!

Kami said...

Ha ha! Thanks for the pick me up! You have such a fun energy about you.

Missie said...


If you have to choose a movie title for your life story, what would that be?

What really gives you the creeps?

Celeste said...

HA HA HA HA HA~ Brie - this was so dang funny!!! You crack me up!

brie said...

What has been you most embarrassing moment?

What is your favorite game to play as a family? with friends?